Khai’e Davies Abington-Ambler’s Student of the Year

Khai’e Davies is a member of the Abington-Ambler Kappa League and a senior at Lankenau Environmental Magnet High School. He has a cumulative GPA of 4.04. Recently, Khai’e competed for our regional Guide Right Student of the Year. He distinguished himself by giving an impassioned recitation of the poem “Invictus.”  At one point in the recitation, Khai’e lost his place.  Instead of shutting down, he showed grace under fire and politely asked the audience if he could begin again.  He did and went on to give a riveting rendition of the poem that, ironically, now had added meaning to him.  As the poem states, indeed his “head was bloodied but unbowed” and in true form, he rose to the occasion as “the master of his fate and the captain of his soul”.  Khai’e was a finalist and came in third place overall. 

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