On Saturday, April 9th the Kappa League attended the Northeastern Province Kappa League Conference. 8 Kappa Leaguers attended with two chaperones, Guide Right Director Cheyney Sparks and Kappa League chairman Keenan Washington. The conference included a welcome message from the Mayor of Trenton, a video message from Congressman and Kappa Brother Hakeem Jeffries, as well as workshops with topics from financial literacy to careers in IT and coding led by a programmer from Google. During lunch, there was also a mini college fair where schools like Kean University and Coppin State University were giving out full scholarships on the spot to qualifying graduating seniors. The event concluded with a panel discussion on political action and civic engagement. The Kappa Leaguers had a great time and conducted themselves well. We are all very proud of our boys.
Khai’e Davies Abington-Ambler’s Student of the Year
Khai’e Davies is a member of the Abington-Ambler Kappa League and a senior at Lankenau Environmental Magnet High School. He