AAA Kappa League attends Leadership Conference

On Saturday, April 9th the Kappa League attended the Northeastern Province Kappa League Conference.

On Saturday, April 9th the Kappa League attended the Northeastern Province Kappa League Conference.  8 Kappa Leaguers attended with two chaperones, Guide Right Director Cheyney Sparks and Kappa League chairman Keenan Washington. The conference included a welcome message from the Mayor of Trenton, a video message from Congressman and Kappa Brother Hakeem Jeffries, as well as workshops with topics from financial literacy to careers in IT and coding led by a programmer from Google. During lunch, there was also a mini college fair where schools like Kean University and Coppin State University were giving out full scholarships on the spot to qualifying graduating seniors.  The event concluded with a panel discussion on political action and civic engagement.  The Kappa Leaguers had a great time and conducted themselves well. We are all very proud of our boys.

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